all hackers try this one....
all hackers try this one....
javascript:function reverse() { var inp = " ! dekcah si tnuocca tukrO ruoY "; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}alert(outp) ;}; reverse();
Hide all drives in my computer
Wanna how your geekiness. Here's the registry hack to hide all the drives in my computer.
head up to
create a new DWORD value as NoDrives and modify its data to 03FFFFFF(six F's)
reboot and you are done.
To change back.
delete the key or modify the data to 0. (zero)
Rename Multiple Files at Once
When you download photos from your digital camera, they often have unrecognizable names. You can rename several similar files at once with the following procedure. This also works for renaming other types of files.
1.Open the My Pictures folder. (Click Start, and then click My Pictures.) Or open another folder containing files that you want to rename.
2.Select the files you want to rename. If the files you want are not adjacent in the file list, press and hold CTRL, and then click each item to select it.
3.On the File menu, click Rename.
4.Type the new name, and then press ENTER.
change hard drive partitions icon
First of all copy a icon file to the root of the drive.
example: c:\icon.ico
Then create a file called: autorun.inf in c:\autorun.inf
then open that file and type the following:
save and close the file.
Now open my computer and refresh.. and woh! icon changed....
you can apply to other drives too.
be careful:
"autorun.inf" and "ico.ico" must be in the root of the drive.
example: c:\autorun.inf and c:\icon.ico.
same on the root.
rapidshare hack...
Hi all, This is for those who have to wait for about an hour after downloading certain amount of stuff from rapid share. To overcome this time constraint follow these steps:
Method 1
1.open your rapid share link
2.then click on free.
3.As soon as timer start type this in address bar and click enter
4.a pop up message will come click ok your counter is zero just download the stu
mega upload Links, Download, Rapid share Links, rapid share movies, rapid share free, hack rapid share, hack mega upload.
Method 2
1.Delete the cookies in your browser internet explorer or Firefox or opera or whatever u use).
2.Press start->run,type cmd.
3.In the command prompt,type ipconfig/flushdns press enter.Then type ipconfig/release,then ipconfig/renew .Now type exit.
4.Now try downloading, for many people this may work if their ISP provides a dynamic ip.
mega upload Links, Download, Rapid share Links, rapid share movies, rapid share free, hack rapid share, hack mega upload.
Method 3
1.Just switch off your router or modem) and switch it back on.
2.This may work for some users Mtnl and Bsnl) and maybe some others too.
Actually these methods generally work for those people whose ISP gives them dynamic ip.
If these don't work then one more thing that can be done is to use proxies.
mega upload Links, Download, Rapid share Links, rapid share movies, rapid share free, hack rapid share, hack mega upload.
Method 4
1.Download the software Hide ip platinum from here http://rapidshare.de/files/34451917/hideipv32.rar
2.Run it, then it will automatically chose a proxy (ip of a different country) for you. So you can easily download without any restrictions. You just have to change the proxy each time you download.
Create A Hidden User Account
This tweak allows an account that is normally displayed on the Welcome screen to be hidden from view. To log on using the account it's necessary to use the Log On To Windows dialog box similar to the one in Windows 2000.
#[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
#Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\
#Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.
#Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: Type Name of Account to be Hidden
#Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]
#Exit Registry and Reboot...
While the account is hidden on the Welcome screen, note that the account profile will be visible in C:\Documents and Settings or wherever user profiles are stored as well as in Local Users and Groups.
Trick to lock your private folder
Suppose you want to lock the folder movies in d: which has the path D:\movies.In the same drive create a text file and type
ren movies movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Now save this text file as loc.bat
Create another text file and type in it
ren movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} movies
Now save this text file as key.bat
Now you can see 2 batch files loc and key. Press loc and the folder games will change to control panel and you cannot view its contents. Press key and you will get back your original folder.