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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Earn upto $100 with Paypal Wishlist Facebook Application

Earn upto $100 with Paypal Wishlist Facebook Application

paypal wishlist logoPayPal is the faster, safer way to pay and get paid online, allowing its members to send and receive payments without disclosing financial information.Paypal has introduced a  new contest this time and the contest is runs on Facebook with the application called Paypal Wishlist. You have to do few things to start earning with paypal application.
Basic Idea behind the contest :
Facebook Logo by BraveSaint1 Earn upto $100 with Paypal Wishlist Facebook ApplicationYou have to register to Paypal Wishlist program, then you’ll get $1 directly to your earning. After that you need to refer your friends to do the same thing, and you’ll get $1 for everybody registered through your referral link. Through this way, you can earn up to $100.
Follow the simple steps to start :
1. Login to your Facebook Account. If you don’t have one , register here.
2. Now Join PayPal WishList Facebook application.You need to allow it to proceed.
3. Submit your Paypal email address at the form provided. If you don’t have Paypal account then click here to register one with paypal.
4. Now you get $1 after joining Paypal Wishlist.
5. Create and share your wishlist with your friends through your referral link.
6.You’ll get $1 for everybody registered through your referral link.
Screenshots :
paypal wishlist2
Paypal Acc :
Paypal wishlist in paypal

So guys , don’t just wait, this offer is valid upto February 28th, 2010. So Join Paypal Wishlist as soon as possible and start earning the money.Don’t forget to Join PW

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